Tuesday 1 October 2013

Ministry of Deliverance: Humility and Faith Can Help in Overcoming Setbacks

A person may be blessed with all the talents, success, respect and money the world may offer, but there may come a time that a situation can make all of that mean nothing. It's only by learning the values of humility and faith from a ministry of deliverance can one gain knowledge on how to overcome such a setback. Experiencing a crisis does not have to mean that it's the end of the world. Instead, this can be seen as God's way of showing what truly matters. His ways may not be viewed as favorable by some people, but it's by submitting to His ways that people can renew a relationship with God and receive His gifts. Money can do a lot in the material sense and having the respect of others can put a person in a prime position, but neither can grant eternal life. It's by putting faith in God and trusting that He is doing things for a reason can people learn what's truly valuable.


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